What happens to Russian business abroad a year after the first wave of relocation.

calendar28 April 2023
What happens to Russian business abroad a year after the first wave of relocation.

"The time of pink ponies is over." What happens to Russian business abroad a year after the first wave of relocation.

In order to solve problems with logistics, payments, and retain foreign counterparties, Russian companies have been actively moving to friendly countries throughout the past year. Someone - completely, and someone purely formally, legally. The CIS countries, Southeast Asia and the Middle East accumulated new business flows, money and ideas from Russia. But not everyone was ready for the difficulties and local peculiarities. Since the first wave of business relocation in February 2022, a lot has changed, and the conditions for Russian business have become tougher.- https://www.fontanka.ru/2023/04/28/72260033/

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